Monday, March 31, 2014

Hey there bloggers! Today I made a blobbie animation! It's a blobbie that just keeps bouncing. This shows that blobbies have courage, and they never give up. Well, it also shows that this blobbie eats a lot of energy berries...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hey guys, it's me Kimo! I know this is my first post on Blobbie news so I should start simple. Ferncookie and I came over with Dusk so we decided to make simple but weird things! For example, crunchy snow which is the snowycrunch! The Chubilet and the Beristem are very closely related. And, the picito!-And also the Whaco Whoppy. Gemlet and I did the Whaco Whoppy. That's all for now Blobbers. I worked hard on the sketches so APPRECIATE IT.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hey there blobbers! Hojoggy (this other person I know) made something called the twistystem! Its looks like a blue strawberry and it grows on a very very twisty stem. It tastes like raspberry except ten times better.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Today me and kimo made a plant and tree yesterday! Its the puffykie (tree) and the featheryhme (plant)!
Puffykie                                                                                                                                   Featheryhme

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

By the way blobbers, I do apologize if there are like five pictures at the top. Please let me know if that happens in your comments, because I don't want to make Blobbie News weird. Thanks
Hey there blobbers! Today, me and Kimo made something called the swirlystem! Its kinda like liquorice, except it tastes a thousand times better! :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hello blobbers, I'm Ferncookie and Blobbie News will be daily news about me and Kimolet! Blobbie newspaper is daily news in Blobbieworld not with me and Kimo. Hope you like it! Kimolet will also make posts but I mainly do the posts.