Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hey blobbers, since me and Kimo can't see each other- AHHHH, KIMO I CAN'T SEE YOU! -I am making another post on Kimo!

I think Kimo is a great blobbie. She stands up for me even if it feels hopeless, she is really good at making videos, she is funny, she is loyal, she is smart, and shes a great creator of Blobbieworld!

Do you think Kimo is a great blobbie and why? Say in your comments. And if you disagree (which I hope not) please do not make your comment mean.

1 comment:

  1. :( I'm not a person! Bad Ferncookie! Lol, kidding. Thanx for the post on me! :) IM NOT A PERSON!!!! I made a post that's bigger than a 20 Blobbies!
